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R warning for shoppers in Salisbury to keep their handbags, purses and wallets safe. & 183; How Valentine's Day Conquered Japan (Time Magazine) A two-pronged attack has made the Western holiday for lovers an integral part of modern life in the Land of the Rising Sun & 183; Local woman opens shoe store (Lebanon Express) If you ever wondered whether or not you would be able to buy genuine leather shoes again without traveling out of town, you're in luck. Sole Train will offer high-quality merchandise, including men's and women's shoes, handbags and socks. & 183; Flood of knockoff merchandise triggers a wider crackdown across US (The Christian Science Monitor) Local law enforcement is now making 'counterfeit chic' seizures, but should taxpayers pay to protect corporate bottom lines? & 183; Here We Go Again  style files (Times Leader) It?s baaaack ? Yes, that?s right. The trend that made a comeback 2 years ago and then went into hiding has risen from its slumber again. Metallic is back. And it?s back with a party in mind. & 183; A wardrobe fit for a princess (Central Kitsap Reporter) Multiple closets hold dresses such as this one for girls looking for an enchanted evening, but not an astronomical bill. Both CK and Klahowya participate in Cinderella?s Closet. Wholesale Products Taggle Contact Wholesale Forum Search the Web Privacy Policy Copyright © 2007. Web Design, Web Hosting, and SEO by Psyphire LocalProfit.com is the nets leading wholesale products and retail merchandise search engine and wholesale directory. Find discount wholesale products from dozens of categories.

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